


來源:233網(wǎng)校 2017年2月11日
導讀: 2015年成人高考高起點英語考試真題及參考答案已經(jīng)公布。

Passage Three

Using less energy around the home is easier than you might think, saving your money while creating a healthier, more comfortable living space for you and your family. Changing a few old habits can make an impact on your energy bill, your comfort and the environment. Here are some handy tips to make your house more energy-efficient.

Lower the heat

If your home has adjustable central heating, lowering the room temperature even slightly can make a difference. You may not feel it, but your wallet will. It is even more advisable to control temperatures at different times of the day.

Hang clothes out to dry

If the weather allows it, head outside and dry your laundry on a clothesline. The sunlight will help eliminate bacteria and dust. While clothes dryers get the job done faster,they also use up energy.By hanging your clothes out you' ll be cutting greenhouse gases by about three kilograms per load.

Take advantage of natural light

Installing large windows on the northern side of your house can help you make use of sunlight' s natural warmth. To stay cool indoors on hot summer days, install blinds (百葉窗) to block the heavy sun. Put your desk near the window ,then you don't need a lamp in the daytime.

Wrap (裹) your pipes

Be sure your hot-water pipes are properly wrapped. In an average home, heating water accounts for more than one-quarter of the energy bill. Why let warmth go to waste before it reaches you?

Choose the right size for appliances (家用電器)

When the time comes to replace appliances, select those that are both energy-efficient and of theappropriate size for your needs. Don' t buy bigger ones just because you can.

44. What benefit may using less energy at home bring about?

A. Enlarging your living space.

B. Keeping old habits unchanged.

C. Having a healthier living environment.

D. Improving your work efficiency.




45. Which of the following is one of the advantages of hanging clothes out to dry?

A. It gets clothes dry much faster than clothes dryers.

B. It uses half the energy that clothes dryers do.

C. It may help to build a greenhouse.

D. It helps remove bacteria in clothes.




46. What can be installed on the northern side of your house to make better use of natural light?

A. Shades.

B. Windows.

C. Blinds.

D. Curtains.



【應試指導】由倒數(shù)第三段第一句“Installing largewindows on the northern side of your house Call helpyou make use of sunlight’s natural warmth.”可知.B項符合題意,故選B。

47. Besides energy-efficiency ,what else should be considered when replacing appliances?

A. Proper size.

B. Good quality.

C. Replacing time.

D. Reasonable price.




Passage Four

I talk to strangers for a living and love the challenge of getting their stories published in news- papers. I' ve been married for years, but until six months ago, I could be a typical absent-minded husband. Often I was just nodding when I was supposed to. When my wife asked, "Did you even hear what I just said?" I would defensively say,"Of course I did".

In January, I began to lose my voice. Doctors told me I needed surgery, or my throat would bepermanently damaged. Total silence would be required for the first few weeks of my recovery.

Two hours after the surgery, my eyes filled with tears as my two-year-old son looked puzzled because I wouldn' tanswer his questions. I wanted to talk but couldn' t. Luckily, I' d recorded myself reading some of his favorite books. That would come in handy the next couple of weeks.

When I got home, I noticed a "side effect" : as my wife talked to me to keep up my spirits, I wasn't just hearing her; I was listening to her. Over the next few weeks, I didn't want to miss a word she said. I began to hear sweetness in her voice. It had never left. I' d just stopped noticing. I found myself understanding her better on topics I' d previously dismissed as "things I just don' t get as a guy". I also realized my son wasn' t just talking nonstop but that he often had thoughtful things to say. Even while walking my dog in the woods near our home, I began hearing pleasant patterns in birdsongs. Before my surgery, I' d have spent those walks on my phone.

After several weeks, I was fully recovered. Conversation in our house is better now, not because I' m talking more. I' m just listening better and becoming less and less surprised that I like what I hear

48. According to the passage, the author is most likely a __

A. journalist

B. doctor

C. driver

D. Teacher



【應試指導】由第一段第一句“I talk to strangers for a living…getting their stories published in news-papers.”可知,作者最有可能是一位新聞工作者。

49. What does the wife mean by asking "Did you even hear what I just said?" in Paragraph 1 ?

A. You didn' t have to nod while you were listening.

B. You should tell me what I said just now.

C. You should listen to me.

D. You didn' t want to talk with me.



【應試指導】由第一段最后四句可知,作者在家里聽家人說話時總是心不在焉,所以當他的妻子問“你聽到我剛才說什么了嗎”時,她意思是“你應該聽我說”,故選C。 50. What is true of the author after the surgery?

A. He was unwilling to talk to his wife.

B. He was unable to communicate with his son.

C. He was required to keep silent for the first few months.

D. He was worried about his recovery after the surgery.




51. What did the author realize after the surgery?

A. His dog liked pleasant birdsongs.

B. His son didn' t like talking.

C. His wife was a talkative woman.

D. His house was full of pleasant talks.



【應試指導】由最后一段最后兩句“Conversationin our house is better now…I like what I hear.”可知,作者手術后更喜歡傾聽家里人的談話了,家里也充滿了愉快的談話,故選D。

2017成考:2017年成人高考報名時間/入口 2017年成人高考招生簡章



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