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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2016年4月22日 ????? ????
  after au畢竟all over到處,遍及
  all right好,不錯as usual照例,像以往那樣
  as to關(guān)于,至于to the best of one’s ability盡自己的努力
  be able to do sth.能夠做某事above all首先
  have access to有機會進入in accordance with按照
  give an account描述accuse sb.of sth.因某事指責某人
  be accustomed to習(xí)慣于have a nodding acquaintance with與某人有點頭之交
  take action采取行動adapt oneself to使某人自己適應(yīng)
  add up to總括起來,相當于in addition to除了…之外
  in advance預(yù)先,提前take advantage of利用,欺騙
  again and again再三地ahead of time提前
  all in an總之a(chǎn)bove all尤其是,重要的是
  after all畢竟let alone更不用說
  the amount of…的數(shù)量0ne another互相
  one after another一個接一個answer for為…負責
  in any case無論如何anything but決不
  keep up appearances維持門面,保持體面have an appetite for愛好
  around the clock晝夜不停地artificial intelligence人工智能
  background music背景音樂go from bad to worse每況愈下
  bank account銀行帳戶on the beach在海灘上,在岸上
  bed clothes床上用品from beginning to end從頭到尾
  on behalf of代表talk big說大話
  give birth to生育black and blue遍體鱗傷
  black list黑名單a blank look on one’s face某人臉上茫然若失的表情
  in the same boat處境相同,同舟共濟body and soul全心全意地
  keep body and soul together維持生計,勉both…and…既…又…強度日
  from the bosom of one’s heart真誠地,由brain drain人才流失衷地
  out of breath上氣不接下氣in all總計,合計
  in brief簡而言之knit one’s brows皺眉
  a drop in the bucket滄海-粟burn the midnight oil工作到半夜,開夜車
  burst into laughter突然笑起來burst into tears突然哭起來
  trolley bus有軌電車9et down to business言歸正傳,開始做正事
  day by day日復(fù)-日a piece of cake容易的事
  the lunar calendar農(nóng)歷on the campus在校園里
  cannot but不得不cannot…too決不會…過分,越…越好
  carbon paper復(fù)寫紙credit card信用卡
  case study個案研究cause and effect因果
  without cease不停地opening ceremony開幕式
  chain reaction連鎖反應(yīng)by chance偶然地
  in charge of負責cannot choose but別無選擇,只好
  in combination with和…協(xié)作have much in common有很多共同點
  common sense常識a limited liability company有限公司
  on condition that如果be of consequence to對…很重要
  in consequence結(jié)果,因此a matter of course當然的事
  in the course of在…的過程中be crazy about對…迷戀
  a skeleton in the cupboard不愿讓別人知道out of danger脫離危險的家丑
  out of date過時turn a deaf ear t0對…充耳不聞
  a good deal大量,許多come to a decision決定下來
  in deed實際上,真的to a certain degree在-定程度上
  without delay趕快,立刻in detail詳細地
  a state dinner國宴be on display陳列,展覽
  bring sth.into full display充分發(fā)揮(能力,at sb’s disposal由某人支配,供某使用特長)
  beyond dispute無可爭議out of doors在戶外
  show sb.the door下逐客令0n the dot準時
  due to由于from dawn till dusk從早到晚
  in earnest認真地on earth究竟
  ill at ease不安,心神不寧on easy terms分期付款
  easier said than done說起來容易做起來難with egg on one’sface顯得愚笨
  either…or要么…要么or else要不然,否則
  on end連續(xù)地home environment家庭環(huán)境
  on equal terms平等相處office equipment辦公室設(shè)備
  for ever永遠every other每隔…的
  in evidence顯而易見地,明顯地with the exception of除…外
  in excess of超過in exchange作為交換
  face to face面對面,直接交流in fact實際上
  in favour of贊成at first起初
  first of all首先,初in a flash-霎那
  be fond of喜歡at the foot of在…腳下
  on foot步行in the form of以…的形式
  a fraction of一小部分to be flank坦白的,直率的
  for free免費地at the gate of在…大門口
  in general一般來說be good at擅長
  in harmony with與…協(xié)調(diào)with the help of在…的幫助下
  on holiday在度假to be honest老實說
  on the hook陷人圈套,難以擺脫in a hurry急忙,匆忙
  as if好像,仿佛if only只要,要是…就好
  on the increase正在增加be jeMous of妒忌
  play a joke with sb.開某人的玩笑judging by根據(jù)…判斷
  just now剛才key t0…的鑰匙,…的答案
  at least至少in line with跟…-致,符合
  be loyal to對…忠誠make Mends with和…交朋友
  in the mass總體上by means of用,依靠
  bv no means決不in the meantime在此期間
  a member of…中的-員at the mercy of在…的支配下
  no more不再not more than至多,不超過
  move on繼續(xù)前進by the name of名叫,以…名義
  in the name of以…的名義by nature天性,本質(zhì)上
  in nature實質(zhì)上in the neighbourhood of在…附近
  neither…nor既不…也不at night在夜里
  not at all一點也不on occasion有時,問或
  once again再次once upon a time從前
  at once立即,馬上in the open露天,公開地
  in one’s opinion據(jù)某人看來at every opportunity利用-切機會
  at the first opportunity-有機會就…in order按順序,整齊有序
  out of order次序顛倒,出故障ought to應(yīng)該
  keep pace with跟上…的步伐a pair of-對
  at peace處于和平狀態(tài)in person親自
  in the first place首先,原先point of view觀點
  to the point中肯a portion of-份
  at present目前,現(xiàn)在under pressure of在…的壓力下
  previous to在…之前in private私下地
  in public公眾地on purpose故意地
  a great quantity大量0ut of question沒問題
  out of the question不可能without question毫無疑問
  on record記載下來的with regard to關(guān)于
  in relation to有關(guān),涉及in response to作為對…的反應(yīng)
  as a result of作為對…的結(jié)果,因此in retum for作為對…的回報
  on the road在路上for one’s sake為某人的利益
  for sale供出售的on sale上市,出售
  all the same還是,仍然ahead of schedule提前
  on schedule準時after school放學(xué)后,下課后
  at school在學(xué)校at sea在海上
  by sea由海路in search of尋找
  in secret秘密地in a sense從某種意義上說
  a series of-系列under the shadow of在…陰影下
  by ship乘船in short簡而言之
  side by side肩并肩地at the sight of-看見
  and SO on等等so long as只要
  as soon as-…就at top/fuU speed全速
  in stock有貨out of stock脫銷
  in store儲藏著in the Still在陽光下
  in short supply供應(yīng)不足on the surface在表面上
  in surprise驚奇地at table在進餐
  at the tail of尾隨by telephone通過電話
  on the telephone在通話other than不是
  at that就這樣,到此為止after much thought仔細考慮后
  thumb down不贊同,反對ahead of time提前’
  all the time-直at any times隨時,任何時候
  at a time-次at the same time同時
  hold one’s tongue-言不發(fā)too…to太…以至不能
  from top to bottom從頭到尾from top to toe從頭到腳,全身
  once upon a time從前as usual跟平時-樣
  at war在交戰(zhàn),不和on the watch提防
  any way無論如何by the way順便說-下
  in the way擋住去路on the way在去某地的路上
  under way在進行中as well as還,除…之外
  OllCe in a while有時,偶爾as a whole作為-個整體
  on the whole總的來說in a word簡言之,-句話
  in other words換句話說




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