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來(lái)源:233網(wǎng)校 2015年1月26日 ????? ????

  21. There was a large crowd in the square __________ against the war.
  A. protecting
  B. protesting
  C. preventing
  D. promoting
  22. We have __________ to the government for a home improvement loan.
  A. arranged
  B. approached
  C. applied
  D. appointed
  23. Tom__________ the shopkeeper with overcharging him for the articles he had bought.
  A. accused
  B. charged
  C. blamed
  D. criticized
  24. The idea sounds very good but will it work in__________?
  A. practice
  B. place
  C. advance
  D. company
  25. He got a job so that he could be independent __________his parents.
  A. on
  B. in
  C. of
  D. from
  26. I believe that every crime, __________the circumstance, should be severely'punished.
  A. in spite of
  B. because of
  C. instead of
  D. on account of
  27. The workers are busy __________ models for the exhibition.
  A. to make
  B. with making
  C. being making
  D. making
  28. Yesterday Mr. Smith gave a vivid __________of his recent visit to China.
  A. dialogue
  B. idea
  C. tale
  D. account
  29. Over ten people died and twenty people were__________ wounded in the train crash.
  A. horribly
  B. wrongly
  C. bitterly
  D. seriously
  30. Do you think Tommy is __________ the truth?
  A. saying
  B. speaking
  C. telling
  D. talking
  31. It is so hot. You should put the food into the refrigerator now. Otherwise, it will__________ soon.
  A. harm
  B. hurt
  C. spoil
  D. damage
  32. It is important to remember the saying that__________ is better than cure.
  A. prevention
  B. promotion
  C. permission
  D. proportion
  33. Winning or losing is temporary, but friendship__________.
  A. expects
  B. lives
  C.. remains
  D. lasts
  34. Peter, whom everyone suspected, __________to be innocent.
  A. turned out
  B. turned off
  C. turned up
  D. turned over
  35. So__________ is the weather in England that by lunchtime there could be thunder and lightening.
  A. various
  B. varies
  C. variable
  D. variation
  36. All the arrangements should have been completed prior__________ our departure.
  A. in
  B. to
  C. by
  D. before
  37. We have a desperate need__________ practice strict economy in every department.
  A. to
  B. of
  C. for
  D. about
  38. The shortage of energy is getting worse. It __________an immediate solution.
  A. calls off
  B. calls up
  C. calls for
  D. calls at
  39. The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to__________ what he was say- ing.
  A.take in
  B. take out
  C. take up
  D. take over
  40. Some pop singers have much influence __________the young people.
  A. to
  B. for
  C. onto
  D. on


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