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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2017年8月7日 ????? ????

Education is broadly divided into general and special education; our topic now is the difference and the relationship between the two. The term, general education, is somewhat vague and colorless; it does not mean some airy education in knowledge in general (if there be such knowledge), nor does it mean education for all in the sense of universal education. It is used to indicate that part of a student's whole education which look first of all to his life as a responsible human being and citizen, while the term, special education, indicates that part which looks to the student's competence in some occupation. These two sides of life are not entirely separable; and it would be false to imagine education for the one as quite distinct from education for the other. Clearly, general education has somewhat the meaning of liberal education. If one clings to the root meaning of liberal as that which benefits or helps to make free men, then general and liberal education have identical goals.

It is most unfortunate if we envisage general education as something formless-that is to say. the taking of one course after another; and as something negative, namely, the study of what is not in a field of concentration. Just as we regard the courses in concentration as having definite relations to one another, so should we envisage general education as an organic whole whose parts in expounding a ruling idea and in serving a common aim. It may be objected that we are proposing to limit the liberty of the student in the very name of liberal education. Such an objection would only indicate an ambiguity in the conception of liberal education. We must distinguish between liberalism in education and education in the liberalism. The former, based as it is on the doctrine of individualism, expresses the view that the student should be free in his choice of courses. But education in liberalism is an altogether different matter; it is education which has a pattern associated with the liberal outlook. In this view, there are truths which none can be free to ignore, if one is to have that wisdom through which life can become useful. These are the truths concerning the structure of the good life and concerning the factual conditions by which it may be achieved, truths comprising the goals of the free society.

第16題.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Difference and relationship between general and special education.

B.Difference and relationship between general and liberal education.

C.Difference and relationship between liberalism in education and education in liberalism.

D.All of the above.

答案: D


第17題.According to the author, what does the term "general education" mean?

A.Education for making students become responsible.

B.Education for making students become competent in any occupation.

C.Education for making students study courses freely.

D.Education for making students study useful things in our society.

答案: A


第18題. What is the relationship between general and special education?

A.Both general and special education make students study universal knowledge.

B.Both general and special education make students become free.

C.Both general and special education look to the future life of students.

D.Both general and special education have some limitation.

答案: C


第19題. What does the word "namely" mean?

A.The word something or someone is called.

B.That is to say.

C.An offensive title for someone.

D.The opinion others have of someone.

答案: B

詳解:答案B.在第二段的句話里,作者說“如果我們把普通教育想象為是無形的或是具有負(fù)面影響的話,這就是不幸的?!弊髡咴趂ormless and negative后分別用that is to say和namely對(duì)其作進(jìn)一步的補(bǔ)充說明。根據(jù)猜詞技巧,namely即是that is to say,因此,選擇B項(xiàng)。

第20題. What is the difference between liberalism in education and education in liberalism?

A.They have different stands.

B.They have different purposes

C.They have different conditions.

D.They have different objects.

答案: A





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