


來源:233網(wǎng)校 2016年8月1日

  Passage Three

  Laura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead. After reading the note, Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.

  Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police, courts or women's shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.

  But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family. Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while. He beat her again. The priest came over to talk to her. He asked the husband to go out for a while. Laura packed up her things and left home with her son. The next day she lost the baby. Her husband went to jail.

  Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten. Now she is in college, has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter. "We got out, and it changed life for me and my child. You can do it. You can break the cycle," Laura said.

  44. The message Laura left her husband was most likely “__ ”.

  A. Do not beat the kid any more

  B. Learn to take care of the family

  C. Leave me and my children

  D. Be a good father


  45. Laura didn't go to the police or courts because __.

  A. she was afraid of being laughed at

  B. the priest asked her not to do so

  C. her husband was a nice guy

  D. she was not well-educated


  46. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Laura has two children.

  B. Laura never got any job.

  C. Laura's husband got punished.

  D. Laura got little help from the society.


  47. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Husband-Wife Relationship

  B. Women's Rights

  C. Laura's Marriage

  D. Family Violence

  參考答案: D

  Passage Four

  California families are facing a rapidly mounting uphill battle to make enough money to provide basic household essentials, according to a new study conducted by the California Budget Project.

  The research compiled by the Sacramento-based non-profit organization concluded an average two-parent family with one employed adult in California needs to make $51,177 a year, or $24.60 cents an hour, to pay for housing, transportation, food, utilities, child care, health coverage, taxes and other basic expenses.

  The number grows significantly higher in the Bay Area, the state's most expensive region. A Bay Area family of four with two working adults living in rental housing needs a combined income of $79,946 to cover essential needs. That number is more than four times greater than the $19,157 income level recognized by the federal government as impoverished.

  The study is the fourth semi-annual survey conducted by the California Budget Project since 1999. California Budget Project executive director Jean Ross said helping state officials and residents understand the numbers found in the report is crucial to moving families toward self-sufficiency.

  "How should we be targeting some of our programs and policies? How much do young people need to earn and what kind of a job should they be looking to train for if they want to have that salary that can support a family?"

  CBP said the project was based on actual costs or generally accepted fair standard prices based on weighted averages found in ten California regions.

  48. In the Bay Area, a family needs to earn __ the amount they do in other areas. A. twice

  B. five times

  C. four times

  D. three times

  參考答案: C

  49. What are some basic expenses for Bay Area families?

  A. Candy, soda and popcorn.

  B. Entertainment, clothing and vacations.

  C. Sports cars, boats and electronics.

  D. Food, housing and taxes.


  50. How do we know that the costs are rising in California?

  A. It said so in the newspaper.

  B. Some people don't believe it.

  C. The governor sent out a press release.

  D. A group of people studied the costs of raising a family.


  51. What has this study made people think about?

  A. What jobs are available to support families.

  B. How people can save more money.

  C. How to get a good deal on a new car.

  D. What kinds of houses they should buy.


  Passage Five

  Train companies in Tokyo are taking action to reduce the number of people jumping in front of trains. They are fitting blue lights on station platforms to try and create a more calming atmosphere. The East Japan Railway Company has invested almost $170,000 to install the lights in all of the 29 stations on the capital's busy Yamanote Line. There has been an alarming rise in the number of people committing suicide at train stations. A total of 68 people threw themselves under trains in the year up to March. This compares with 42 suicides in the same period a year earlier. In 2008, Japan had nearly 2,000 suicides by jumping in front of a train; around six percent of all suicides nationwide. Suicides have risen sharply in the past decade due to poor economic conditions.

  No one knows if the blue lights will work. There is no evidence to show that blue light reduces suicidal feelings. Keihan Railway spokesman Osamu Okawa stated: "We thought we had to do something to save lives. We know there is no scientific proof that blue lights deter suicides, but if blue has a soothing effect on the mind, we want to try it to save lives." The Associated Press news agency reports on a Japanese therapist called Mizuki Takahashi. She explained her reasons why the blue lights might be a good idea: "We associate the color with the sky and the sea. It has a calming effect on agitated people, or people obsessed with one particular thing, which in this case is committing suicide," she said. Other companies are watching this experiment with interest.

  52. Why blue lights are installed in many train stations?

  A. Because they do not hurt human eyes.

  B. Because they are cheaper than regular ones.

  C. Because they can help people at night.

  D. Because they can reduce the number of suicides.


  53. The use of blue lights to reduce suicides __.

  A. has no result yet

  B. is proved effective

  C. is welcomed by suicides

  D. has been refused by stations


  54. A Japanese therapist explained that __.

  A. many suicides love blue color

  B. the color of sky and see may calm excited people

  C. only people with trouble in mind need blue color

  D. blue color will definitely work to save suicides

  參考答案: B

  55. What is the writer's attitude toward the experiment? He is __.

  A. interested

  B. denying

  C. objective

  D. indifferent


  成考試題:2016成考專升本英語備考試題8套 專升本英語歷年真題

  考試報名:2016成人高考報名時間/入口 報名流程 招生簡章


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