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來源:233網校 2016年8月3日

  Reading Comprehension( 60 points)

  第36題單選 根據以下材料,回答下面試題

  Men have traveled ever since they first appeared on the earth.

  In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new placeS where their herds couldfeed,or to escape from hostile neighbors,or to find mole favorable climates.They traveled on foot.Theirjoumeys were long,tiring,and often dangerous.They protected themselves with simple weapons,such aswooden sticks oi-stone clubs,and by lighting fires at night and,above all,by keeping together.

  Being intelligent and creative,they soon discovered easier ways of traveling.They rode on thebacks of their domesticated animals;they hoHowed out tree trunks and,by using bits of wood aspaddles.were able to travel across water.

  Later they traveled,not from necessity,but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencingnew things.This is still the main reason why we travel today.

  Traveling,of course,has now become a highly organized business.There are cars and splendid roads,express trains,huge ships and jet airliners,all of which provide us with comforts and security.·r11lis sounds wonderfm.But there are difficulties.If you want to go abroad,you need a passport and avisa,ticket,luggage,and a hundred of other things.If you lose any of them,your journey maybe mined.

  第36題單選 In primitive times men traveled.

  A.for joy

  B.from necessity

  C.to broaden the mind

  D.to escape from the wild animals

  第37題單選 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Primitive people had to ann themselves with wooden sticks when they travelled.

  B.Primitive people protected themselves with stone clubs when they travelled.

  C.Primitive people had to travel in groups.

  D.Primitive people never traveled at night.

  第38題單選 Traveling has now become a highly organized business.

  A.so we can travel anywhere without difficulty

  B.because we are provided with all kinds of convenient means for traveling

  C.because trayeling organizations can be found in the countries the world over

  D.so travelers have increased rapidly

  第39題單選 In the sentence“…to escape from hostile neighbors…",the word“hostile”means·





  第40題單選 根據以下材料,回答下面試題

  It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school is.The learning by memoryof all the basic things one must know is a most incredible and unending effort.Learning to read isprobably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don’tbelieve that,watch an illiterate adult try to do it.School is not easy and it is not for the most partvery much fun,but then,if you are very lucky,you may find a real teacher.Three real teachers ina lifetime is the very best of my luck.My first was a science and math teacher in high school,mysecond,a professor of creative writing at Stanford,and my third was my friend and partner,EdRicketts.

  My three had these things in common:They all loved what they were doing.They did not tell;they catalyzed a burning desire to know.Under their influence,the horizons sprung wide and fearwent away and the unknown became knowable.But most important of all,the truth,that dangerousstuff,became beautiful and very precious.

  I shall speak only of my first teacher because in addition to the other things,she:brought discovery.She aroused us to shoutin9,book—waving discussions.She had the noisiest class in school andshe didn’t even seem to know it.We could.never stick to the subject.Our speculation ranged theworld.She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands likecaptured fireflies.

  I Call tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere inthedusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years if he is very lucky.

  第40題單選 According to the author,what is the difficult thing to people in school?





  第41題單選 The vrey best of the author is that he.

  A.met a good teacher

  B.he graduated from Stanford

  C.Made friends with his teachers

  D.met some good teachers in his life

  第42題單選 Among his teschers,lefthim a very deep impression.

  A.The university teacher

  B.The high school teachen

  C.Ed Ricketts

  D.the first two teachers

  第43題單選 The auther hoped that his son .

  A.may be lukey to meet a good teacher

  B.may study in school for fifteen years

  C.can read many books

  D.may study science and math

  成考試題:2016成人高考專升本英語備考試題及答案 歷年真題及答案

  考試報名:2016成人高考報名時間/入口 報名流程 招生簡章


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