


來(lái)源:233網(wǎng)校 2018年10月23日

Passage Three

Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to the United States of America,

joined the union as the forty-ninth state in 1959.

Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states of the United States.

It was in 1867 that President A. Johnson's Secretary of State ( 國(guó)務(wù)卿 ), Seward bought Alaskafrom the Russians at a cost of 7.2 million. The buying of the huge northern land mass seemed at firstsomething foolishly done. Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to live in, and itappeared to have no importance in time of war. Besides, there are volcanoes there as Alaska lies onthe Pacific "ring of fire" (火山帶). In Alaska large treeless areas are covered with snow all theyear. For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called "Seward's Fooly" at that time.

However, in 1596 gold was found in Alaska,and people poured into the land quickly. Since thenother important natural resources were discovered, including oil. Soon people changed their thinkingabout "Seward's Fooly". But most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of naturethat the northern land discloses to them. For instance ,there are about 11,000 islands in Alaska. Andin a certain area of Alaska the sun does not set for 52 days every year.

( )44. The buying of Alaska was first called_________.

A. a foolish thing

B. Seward's Fooly

C. Johnson's Fooly

D. President's Foolishness


( ) 45. Volcanoes_________in Alaska as _________

A. are not found ; large parts of the land is covered with snow

B. are not found; it is at the northern top of America

C. are found; it is on the Pacific "ring of fire

D. are found; there are so many islands


( )46. Tourists came to Alaska to

A. study its importance in war

B. study its volcanoes

C. enjoy its freezing weather

D. enjoy its beauty of nature


( ) 47. Alaska belonged to_________ before 1867.

A. Russia

B. America

C. Canada

D. Japan






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