


來源:233網(wǎng)校 2018年10月24日

IV. Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )

Directions :There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Exercise, everyone advises[ But immediately, when you try, you run into trouble. There is so much contradictory, sometimes in correct advice about exercising that become confused.Test yourself on the following true-false quiz. It tell you what you need to know.

1. To lose weight yon should always "work up a good sweat"when exercising. False. Sweating only lowers body temperature to prevent overheating; it does not help you reduce weight. You may weigh less immediately after a workout, but this is due to water loss. Once you replace the liquid, you replace the weight.

2. You burn more calories jogging one mile than walking the same distance. False. You use, the same amount of energy whether you walk or jog the mile, since in both cases you are moving the same weight the same distance. The speed doesn't matter. Of course, if you jog rather than walk for 30 minutes, you'll cover more distance, and therefore burn more calories.

3. If your breathing doesn't return to normal within minutes after you finish exercising,you've exercised too much.

True. Five minutes or so after exercising, your breathing should be normal, your heart shouldn't pounding, and you shouldn't exhausted. Beneficial exercise is not too difficult, unpleasant, and exhausting; it is enjoyable and refreshing.

4. Walking is one of the best exercises.

True. Walking helps circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.

36 The underlined phrase "work up" in Quiz 1 means__________.






37 This article explains__________.

A.the difficulties of exercising

B.why exercising is good for your health

C.important information to know about exercising

D.why people have some wrong ideas about exercising


38 Which of the following statements is true about Quiz 2?

A.You use more energy if you walk rather than jog for the same amount of time.

B.You use more energy if you jog rather than walk the same distance.

C.You use the same amount of energy whether you jog or walk the same distance.

D.You use the same amount of energy whether you jog or walk for the same amount of time.


39 The author believes__________.

A.walking is better than jogging

B.working up a good sweat is the best way

C.walking is one best exercise

D.over-exercising is the best way






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