


來源:233網(wǎng)校 2017年1月4日
導讀: 2004年成人高考專升本英語考試真題及參考答案已經(jīng)公布。

第21題 “Can you ask your neighbors for help?”

“I’m afraid not. I __________know any of them.”

A. only

B. hardly

C. seldom

D. just


【解析】A.only 僅僅, 只; B.hardly 幾乎不; C.seldom 很少是; D.just 正好, 僅僅。

第22題 We will not go to the party __________we are politely invited.

A. if

B. however

C. whether

D. unless


【解析】A.if 如果; B.however 然而, 可是; C.whether 是否, 無論; D.unless 如果不, 除非。

第23題 During the Ice Ages,man developed the use of tools,and this is a way of protecting himself against__________ .

A. shortcomings

B. hazards

C. faults

D. conflicts


【解析】A.shortcomings 缺點, 不足; B.hazards 危險, 冒險; C.faults 過錯, 缺點; D.conflicts 沖突, 抵觸。

第24題 The High Street is so narrow that the local government has decided to __________it.

A. increase

B. lengthen

C. widen

D. extend


【解析】A.increase 增加, 增長; B.lengthen 變長, 加長; C.widen 變寬, 加寬; D.extend 伸展, 延伸。

第25題 I don’t mind washing up but I hate to __________the beds for the guests.

A. put

B. make

C. arrange

D. wash


【解析】make the bed 是一固定搭配, 意思是鋪床, 整理床鋪。

第26題 The doctor suggests that a person__________ exercises every day if he wishes to be healthy.

A. does

B. did

C. do

D. will do


【解析】在動詞suggest 后面的賓語從句中, 謂語動詞常用虛擬語氣結構, should 往往要省略。

第27題 __________ it is to listen to music!

A. How fun

B. How a fun

C. What a fun

D. What fun


【解析】本句為感嘆句句型: What +名詞+陳述句的其他部分。 fun (樂趣)為不可數(shù)名詞, 所以C項是錯誤選項。

第28題 “What’s the matter with you,my dear?”

“I feel my heart__________ fast.”

A. jump

B. jumping

C. beat

D. beating


【解析】首先排除A、 B選項, 因為jump的意思是“跳高、 跳躍”, 不能和heart連用。本句是現(xiàn)在分詞beating作heart的賓語補足語, 表示動作是主動的, 進行的。

第29題 Although he had stayed in that business for two years, __________he still wanted to switch to a different career.

A. and

B. but

C. yet

D. so


【解析】首先應排除A項和D項, 明顯和句子意思不符。but表示對立時, 一般較輕松自然, yet則往往比較強烈, 出人意料。C項yet符合本句的意思。

第30題 If I knew more English,I__________ for this position.

A. would apply

B. will apply

C. may have applied

D. will have applied


【解析】本句的條件從句是違背現(xiàn)在事實的假設, 主句的謂語動詞就要用虛擬語氣, 其結構為would/should+動詞原形。

第31題 I__________ a lot of English while I was in England.

A. picked out

B. put out

C. put up

D. picked up


【解析】A.picked out 選出, 認出; B.put out 撲滅, 出版; C.put up 舉起, 修建; D.picked up 舉起, 學會。

第32題 I phoned him this morning,but when I said who I was he__________ .

A. rang up

B. hung up

C. lined up

D. held up


【解析】A.rang up 打電話; B.hung up 掛斷電話; C.lined up 排隊, 排列; D.held up 舉起, 延遲。

第33題 I __________my former school teacher when I was shopping yesterday.

A. ran away

B. ran down

C. ran into

D. ran over


【答案解析】 [翻譯]我昨天購物時, 偶然遇見我以前學校的老師。 ?考點?詞義辨析。 【解析】A.ran away 跑掉, 逃走; B.ran down 用完, 減少; C.ran into 偶然遇見, 達到; D.ran over 滿出, 溫習。

第34題 She’s very pretty,but she’s not__________ clever.

A. at all

B. at least

C. entirely

D. completely


【解析】詞組at all 通常用于否定句中, 用來加強語氣, 如 I do not understand at all.我一點也不明白。 at all 的意思是根本, 到底, 一點兒。

第35題 “I wish that your sister would come to visit me.”“Well,I’ll tell her when I__________ her.”

A. see

B. saw

C. will see

D. would see


【解析】根據(jù)英語句法結構的規(guī)則:在表示時間、條件等狀語從句中, 一般將來時要用一般現(xiàn)在時來代替。

第36題 Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s,but they __________more quickly than in the 1910s.

A. were to move

B. would move

C. did move

D. do move


【解析】這是一個用did引導的強調句。如果句子的謂語動詞沒有助動詞, 可以用 do 或 did 表示強調, 一般譯為“務必, 確實, 一定”等, 如Do come early.一定早點來。

第37題 New typewriters cost about __________price of the second?hand ones.

A. three times the

B. a three times

C. .the three times

D. three times a


【解析】這是一個用did引導的強調句。如果句子的謂語動詞沒有助動詞, 可以用 do 或 did 表示強調, 一般譯為“務必, 確實, 一定”等, 如Do come early.一定早點來。

第38題 “Please don’t make a noise.”

“__________. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.”

A. Yes,I won’t

B. Yes,I will

C. No,I will

D. No,I won’t


【解析】“No, I won't.” 是對上句“make a noise”的應答。切記:No 后邊必須是否定句。

第39題 John went to the __________to buy a pair of shoes yesterday.

A. shoes store

B. shoes’ store

C. shoe’s store

D. shoe store


【解析】shoe store(鞋店)是一固定的搭配, 類似的搭配如, department store (百貨商店), clothing store (服裝商店), paint store(油漆商店)等。

第40題 “ __________does the No.3 bus run?”

“Every ten minutes.”

A. How soon

B. How fast

C. How often

D. How long


【解析】A.How soon 過多久之后, 多快, 回答時多用 in+時間段; B.How fast 多快, 問的是速度, 回答時多用距離+時間; C.How often 多久, 多長時間一次, 問的是頻度; D.How long 多久, 多長, 問的是時間持續(xù)多長, 或物體的長度等。

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