


來源:233網校 2017年1月4日
導讀: 2009年成人高考專升本英語考試真題及參考答案已經公布。

Passage Five

A wind tunnel is used for testing planes or plane models.In a wind tunnel air is blown over a plane ora model placed in a test section.Wind tunnel test sections are different in size depending on airflow speed requirements.Some low-speed tunnels have test sections large enough for a complete small plane.In the very high speed tunnels used for space testing,however,the model may be as small as a pencil.

There are two ways of feeding air to the test section.In the constant flow tunnel,airflow produced by electric fans is forced through the tunnel to the test section,then through another tunnel section back to the starting point for reuse.The other way involves storing high-pressure air in a box,sending it out by a controlling device to pass through the tunnel and test section into another box.This way is usually used for a very short period of high-speed airflow.

Wind tunnels are usually used to test planes before they are flown.Problems in a plane carl be found when it meets the high-speed airflow in the tunnel.For example,if the wings are built so that they would weaken at high speeds,this fact can be discovered in the tunnel,thus saving many lives and millions of dollars.

In a wind tunnel,scientists also find out how different planes will act at different speeds.They find out such things as how the air dives by the wing surfaces,how slowly a plane can fly before it starts to drop,and howfastit can climb.

第52題單選 Some wind tunnel sections are larger than others because____.

A.they are used for large planes

B.they can produce a stronger wind

C.they are built to conduct a high-speed test

D.the air in them flows at a lower speed


參考解析:根據常理,風道面積大,風速就慢。 D是正確答案。

第53題單選 The underlined words“this fact”in Paragraph 3 refer to the fact that____.

A.it costs a lot to test a plane

B.the wings are not good enough

C.some problems are found with a plane

D.the wings meet the high-speed air flow in the tunnel


參考解析:本句是說如果機翼劣質,高速飛行時會受損。 問題中的this fact 指的是機翼質量不好。故B正確。

第54題單選 As mentioned in the last paragraph,a wind tunnel can be used to find out____.

A.how fast a plane can rise

B.how smooth a plane’s surface is

C.how a plane lands in a strong wind

D.how a plane drops at a low height


參考解析:這個句子and how fast it can clim B.說明A是正確答案。

第55題單選 What can we learn from the passage?

A.It is very expensive to build a wind tunne

B.Wind tunnels are very essential in testing plane

C.Scientists still have a lot to learn about wind tunnel

D.There are new ways to feed air to the test sectio


參考解析:文章最后一段說明wind tunnels 在檢測新飛機的性能上是非常重要的。故B正確。

五、Daily Conversation(10 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


A.I miss you,too

B.It’ a nice

C.Oh,come on

D.for the world

E.Sounds as if F.in the world

G.To tell you the truth

H.I can’ t wait

John:Hi,Kim.I haven’t seen you for ages.How are you?

Kim:I’m fine.thanks.I moved house recently,so I’ve been very busy.

John:56____ you need a rest! Listen,I’m having a Halloween party on Saturday night.Would you like to come?

Kim:It's very good of you to ask me.but I’m too busy.I still have a lot to do in the house.

John:57 !Everybody needs a break now and then.

Kim:Yes,you are right.58____,I’m geeing a bit fed up with it! When does your party start?

John:Around 8:00’clock in the evening.

Kim:Sounds great! 59____.

John:OK! I'll see you on Saturday,then.

Kim:I wouldn’t miss it 60____!

第56題簡答 填入(56)處的最佳答案是()。


第57題簡答 填入(57)處的最佳答案是()。


第58題簡答 填入(58)處的最佳答案是()。


第59題簡答 填入(59)處的最佳答案是()。


第60題簡答 填入(60)處的最佳答案是()。


六、Writing(25 points)Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write a notice in about 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to writer it clearly.

第61題 你(Li Yuan)是某大學志愿者小組的組織者,請簡要介紹該小組的情況,內容包括:





Our volunteer committee was founded on Spertember5th, 2007. Now, we have our own place to hold all kinds of meetings. At present,this volunteer committee consists of 200 persons, except students in our University , we also have students coming from the other Universities ,such as Beijing Normal University , Foreign Language Study University……… and so on .

We carry out various activities , like carrying for poor pupils and orphans , and looking after the elderly persons and their housework.

In my opinion , being a volunteer and giving those who need your help a hand is very interesting and joyful ,welcome you to join us .










第五檔 (21分~25分)很好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。 主題突出;內容充實,層次分明;行文流暢:使用了豐富的語法結構和詞匯;基本無語言錯誤。

第四檔(16分~20分)較好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。 主題明確;內容完整,層次清楚;文字連貫。

2017成考:2017成人高考新手指南 成人高考報名條件 成人高考考試時間


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