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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 2014年4月22日 ????? ????

The connection between reading and writing is a strong and important one, 76 —the means 80 which teachers, students, and other scholars communi­cate with each other. for college students. You may already have discovered that students are frequently asked to read material and 77 write in response to what they read. In fact, writing in response to reading is the most important way scholars, 78 student scholars, communicate with one another. 79 responses to readings, ideas, and discoveries make up scholarly journals, newsletters, electronic message boards, books, student newspapers, theses, and disser­tations
Other important connections between reading and writing exist. For one 81 the more you read, the more you become sensitive to a reader’s needs. You will bring this sensitivity to your writing and do a better job of using words and details that best 82 your particular readers. You will also become a more sensitive reader of your own drafts. This sensitivity will help you 83 what changes should be made and 84 best to make those changes. In other words, you will become a more reliable critic and a 85 editor of your own writing.
76. A. specially B. par­ticularly C. clearly D. obviously
77. A. to B. also C. then D. now
78. A. including B. include C. included D. to include
79. A Wrote B. Write C. Writing D. Written
80. A. with B. by C. for D. of
81. A. hand B. side C. matter D. thing
82. A. address B. meet C. express D. care
83. A. make B. judge C. conclude D. prove
84. A. at B. the C. how D. when
85. A. good B. better C. chief D. real
Part V Writing (15 points)
Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words about the title “Job-hunting This Year”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:
1. 今年大學(xué)生就業(yè)形勢(shì)嚴(yán)峻
2. 大學(xué)生應(yīng)該怎樣面對(duì)
3. 具體應(yīng)對(duì)策略



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