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來源:網(wǎng)絡 2014年5月15日 ????? ????
導讀: 2014年湖南成人學位英語考試時間2014年5月24日。

  56. I’ll keep your company if you ______ there,.
  A. will go
  B. went
  C. shall go
  D. go
  57. _______ down the television ─ our baby is sleeping in the next room.
  A. Turn
  B. Turning
  C. Turned
  D. To turn
  58. I have kept that photo __________ I can see it every day, as it reminds me of my university days in U.S.A.
  A. where
  B. when
  C. whether
  D. which
  59. The policeman told John that his bike ____ and he could take it home right away.
  A. would be found
  B. was found
  C. had been found
  D. were found
  60. He will be watching her anxiously _______ she swims the long distance.
  A. while
  B. where
  C. during
  D. meanwhile
  61. He had no sooner returned to the countryside _________ he bought a house and went to live there.
  A. when
  B. as soon as
  C. shortly after
  D. than
  62. A _______ policeman answered his questions politely and patiently.
  A. smiled
  B. smiling
  C. smile
  D. smiles
  63. She is ________ a kind person that they all speak highly of her.
  A. so
  B. as
  C. such
  D. like
  64. It was so noisy near the airport. _________, he moved away because it was more than he could bear.
  A. At the beginning
  B. From then on
  C. In the end
  D. By the way
  65. He acted ______ he had never been here before.
  A. as if
  B. even if
  C. while
  D. although

學位英語:2014年學位英語考試報名考試大綱 沖刺必備試題

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