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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2014年5月22日 ????? ????

  6. Betty: I’d like to intern during this summer holiday. __________
  Nancy: Fill in the application and give it back to me.
  A. I wonder whether there is any vacancy.
  B. What about the payment?
  C. How many hours should I work per day?
  D. How can I apply for it?
  7. Sally: Have you received the email from the International Students Office?
  Kelly: __________What’s the matter?
  A. No, I haven’t.
  B. Yes, I have.
  C. I haven’t checked my email for several days.
  D. It has not yet arrived.
  8. Ruth: Where do you intend to spend your National Day holiday?
  Gloria: __________ Could you give me some advice?
  A. I haven’t decided yet.
  B. I am afraid that I will stay at home.
  C. I will ask my wife about it.
  D. I have planned to visit Beijing for a long time.
  9. Nigel: Hi, Philip. Could you lend me ten yuan? I want to buy a packet of cigarette, but I don’t have enough money. My parents don’t give me allowance anymore.
  Philip: __________ Well, come to my house this afternoon.
  A. Sorry, I don’t have enough money, either.
  B. Of course.
  C. I want to know the exact amount.
  D. You always say that.
  10. Clerk: Welcome to Cafe Greenery. Did you make any reservation? May I have your name please?
  Customer: Kathleen Fox. __________
  A. Have you found it?
  B. Could you give us the seats next to the window?
  C. I have been your customer for long.
  D. Haven’t you found it?



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