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來(lái)源:233網(wǎng)校 2014年5月22日 ????? ????

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
  36. There were no other international __________doing a direct flight to New York.
  A. airliners
  B. air force
  C. airlines
  D. aircraft
  37. We will be happy to advise __________ any management matters.
  A. for
  B. as
  C. on
  D. concerned
  38. Tom would be __________advised to depend on his parents’ financial support.
  A. bad
  B. badly
  C. ill
  D. wrongly
  39. The child preferred his mother’s __________ to that of most people.
  A. company
  B. accompany
  C. companion
  D. accompaniment
  40. In the __________ of any evidence, the police had to let the gangsters go.
  A. presence
  B. absence
  C. face
  D. presentation
  41. He was too__________ in his book to hear the bell.
  A. devoted
  B. absorbing
  C. keen
  D. absorbed
  42. Government officials are trying to seek a__________to the problem of unemployment.
  A. absolution
  B. solution
  C. resolution
  D. dissolution
  43. Our conversation came to __________ end when Harrison burst into the room.
  A. a sudden
  B. a surprising
  C. a surprised
  D. an abrupt
  44. He was looking forward to putting his ideas into__________.
  A. action
  B. behavior
  C. activity
  D. doing
  45. You may have known someone else for ten years and yet he will never be more than a casual __________.
  A. friend
  B. colleague
  C. acquaintance
  D. associate



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