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來(lái)源:233網(wǎng)校 2017年7月12日 ????? ????
導(dǎo)讀: 北京2017年成人學(xué)位英語(yǔ)考試高分突破試題及答案二已經(jīng)公布。


Nowadays there are more and more ways,of going on holiday.More and more people go abroad every year.Some people even go on two or three holidays a year.

There are two types of holiday-makers.The first kind always flocks to seaside resorts when they go on holiday.Their one and only aim is to have a good time by sun-bathing and putting their feet up.They are not a bit interested in local specialities.At mealtimes,if they can get a plate of British“fish and chips”,they’re more than happy!They spend their days in the sun-shine and their evenings getting drunk.and then sleep soundly.If this sort of person forgets to pack the suntan oil,he or she will undoubtedly come home as red as a lobster.

The other type of holiday—makers goes to every country to increase their knowledge of for-eign lands.They make use of the chance to travel to improve their world knowledge.For them,going on holiday is educational.Consequently,this sort of travelers will move from p!ace to place every few days.If they visit lots of places in a short span of time,there is no way that they can get a proper feel of a place or fully appreciate the local food and wine.

Whichever type of holiday chosen,everybody has the same aim:to put their work to the back of their minds,have as much fun as possible and come home happy and relaxed.

第1題 The aim of the first type of holiday-makers is__________ .

A.to enjoy themselves B.to enjoy good food

C.to have a good sleep D.to get drunk


第2題 Why do the second type of holiday-makers keeps on moving from place to place?

A.They want to compare foods of different countries.

B.They don’t have special interest in one particular country.

C.Thev want to see mote of the outside world.

D.They want to get educated.


第3題 If a person visits too many places in a short time,__________ .

A.he will have a better knowledge of other.civilizations

B.he will be able to enjoy various foods in different places

C.he will make more friends all over the world

D.he won’t get a true impression on any place


第4題 One thing is common for all holiday—makers.That is__________ .

A.they want to increase their knowledge

B.thev want to relax themselves

C.thev want to stay away from their homes

D.they want to forget something unpleasant


第5題 Which may be the best title for this passage?

A.How to Spend Your Holidays B.Make Full Use of Your Spare Time

C.Two Types of Holiday-makers D.Forget Your Work for Some Days





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