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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2013年4月25日 ????? ????

PartⅠ Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.

Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

The most famous collections of fairy tales are the ones by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Grimms published their first fairy-tale collection in 1812.They disappearing German folk culture. Their first edition (版本) was a scholarly book that carefully recorded the oral tales. They were surprised when some of their early readers suggested that the stories might be interesting to children. But the Grimms needed money. They had made a bad deal with their publisher and received little payment for their first book. At one point Wilhelm complained there wasn't a chair in his house one could sit on without worrying it would break. So he took the hint and set to work to make a book that would be suitable for children. He selected a few of the tales, made them much longer , and polished up the language. He didn't add morals , but he did slip in character judgments and moralizing comments wherever he could. The Grimms' fairy tales also have one characteristic that would seem to make them unsuitable for children. Many of them include violent incidents. In “Hansel and Gretel” eaten by a wolf. When he revised the tales for children, Wilhelm Grimm retained the violence. In fact, he sometimes even ramped it up. For example, in the first edition, the one intended for children, that her birds peck(啄)out their eyes. Why, then, have the Grimms' fairy tales become classic of children's literature, so much so that it is hard to imagine a child who doesn't know Cinderella's story or Snow White's?

One answer is that only a few of the tales survived into modern times. The first edition of the Grimms' fairy tales had 210 tales. By 1825 it was down to 50. And taday only a dozen or so of the tales are often reprinted in children's collections.(76)But the deeper answer is that the tales that have lasted are magical adventures that help children deal with the struggles and fears of their everyday lives.

1. Why did Wilhelm Grimm set out to adapt his book for children?

A . To deal with readers' complaints.

B. To improve his financial situation.

C. At the request of his publisher.

D. To preserve the ancient stories in print.

2. When revising the fairy tales, Wilhelm did all of the following EXCEPT_______.

A. adding character judgments.

B. making the tales much longer

C. deleting the violent scenes

D. polishing up the language

3. What does the expression “ramped it up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Started B. Allowed C. Classified D. Increased

4. Which of the following statements about the Grimms' fairy tales is TRUE according to the passage?

A. They were originally intended to be children's stories.

B. Generally speaking, the tales that have endured can help children deal with the challenges life bring to them.

C. A large number of the tales made it to the modern age.

D. They are less violent than the children's stories being written today.

5. What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A. History of fairy tales.

B. Ways to preserve the oral tradition.

C. The Grimms' fairy tales.

D. Violence in fairy tales.




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