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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2017年4月9日 ????? ????


Part I Reading Comprehension Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.

For 20 monks the wrecked Costa Concordia has been lying on its side near the coast ofGigli0,a small Italian island.But on Tuesday,as part of the largest salvage(打撈)operation everconducted,the large ship was finally moved to the upfight position.The next step is for the vesselto be removed from the area entirely.

The Cojta Concordia is twice the weight of the Titanic.The ship itself didn’t budge(稍微移動)for the first three hours of the operation,Sergio Girotto told reporters.He and other engineers worked for 19 hours before Concordia Was declared completely upright.

The Costa Concordia capsized on January 13,2012,after its captain,F(xiàn)rancesco Schettino, brought the ship too close to the shore.The ship hit coastal rocks,which caused serious damageand allowed water to pour in.(76)Most of the 4,200 people on board made it to land safely,butmofe than 30 people were killed in the disaster.Two people remain missin9.The Concordia’scaptain is currently on trial for causing a shipwreck and abandoning his ship.

The operation to right the ship is called parbucklin9.While pal'buckling is a smndard operationto right capsized ships,it has never before been used on such a large ship.(77)Workers had beenwaiting for favorable weather conditions to undertake the operation.0n Monday,authoritim gave the final 90ahead.

The process was expected to take no more than l2 hours.But problems with the large system of steel chains caused delays.Engineers worked through the night using cables and metal watertanks to roll the ship onto special platforms.

The Concordia is expected to be pulled away from Giglio in the spring of 2014 and turned into scrap metal(廢金屬).The ship’s owner,Costa Cruises,will pay for the recovery,which has al ready cost more than$800 million.

第1題單選 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Ship Safety Management B.Shipwrecks:an Environmental Threat C.The Costa Concordia Disaster D.The Costa Concordia Salvage


第2題 The word“capsized”in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.

A.turned over B.delayed C.departed D.set sail


第3題 According to the passage,the Concordia’S captain has been charged with causing the crash and__________

A.drug use B.alcohol abuse C.abandoning his post D.setting fire


第4題 According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The Costa Concordia iS three times the weight of the Titanic.

B.Engineers in Italy have successfully righted the wrecked Concordia after an operation that lasted around l2 hours.

C.The salvage operation went ahead despite bad weather conditions.

D.Aa a common means of righting wrecked ships.parbuckling had never been carried out on avessel of the Concordia’S size.


第5題 What will happen to the Concordia eventually?

A.It will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.

B.It will be repaired and put into use again.

C.It will be turned into a museum for tourists.

D.It Wi11 be sunk tn the Ocean flnnr




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