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來源:233網(wǎng)校 2013年4月25日 ????? ????

Part II Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. He spent__________collecting materials for his article.

A. a half year B. half year

C. half a year D. half of a year

17. To succeed in a scientific experiment,__________

A. one needs being patient person

B. patience is to need

C. one needs to be patient

D. patience is what needed

18. English is used by more people than is__________language except


A. any B. any Other

C. other D. all other

19. The dish__________terrible! I don't like it at all.

A. tastes B. tasted

C. will taste D. is tasted

20. She__________be ill because I saw her playing tennis just now.

A . can't B. couldn't

C. mustn't D. may not

21. Sorry, officer. I__________at 80 miles but I didn't see any sign in the

area telling people how fast they can drive.

A. should not drive B. shouldn't have driven

C. mustn't drive D. can't drive

22. Why not__________Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearted and

willing to help.

A. ask B. you ask

C. to ask D your asking

23. It is not easy__________the answer to the difficult math problem.

A. to figure out B. figuring out

C. figure out D. being figured out

24. The tsunami (海嘯)__________over 160, 000 people were killed was

a terrible disaster for human beings.

A. of that B. among which

C. during that D. in which

25. Take the medicine now. I believe it will__________your pain.

A. release B. relive

C. reject D. relieve

26. How can you__________her offer? I'm afraid she will feel hurt.

A. turn out B. turn up

C. turn down D. turn away

27. She apologized for__________to attend the meeting.

A. her being not able B. her to be not able

C. her not to be able D. her not being able to

28. This new coat cost me__________the last one I bought two years


A. three times B. three times as much as

C. three times as much D. three times much as

29. Each term our professors would__________a list of books for us to


A. hand in B. give away

C. pass out D. write out

30. I__________my wallet when I was shopping in the store.

A. must have dropped B. should have dropped

C. could drop D. ought to have dropped

31. I believe you have__________your purse in the living-room.

A. left alone B. left behind

C. left off D. left out

32. The results of the survey are interesting and they__________more

questions than they can answer.

A. bring about B. prohibit

C. project D. benefit from

33. He abandoned a career that __________ to his becoming one of the

most influential people in the world.

A. could have led B. would lead

C. should have led D. must lead

34. The doctor's advice was that the patient __________ at once.

A. to be operated B. being operated

C. be operated D. operated

35. __________by the look on her face, she didn't catch what I meant.

A. Judging B. Judged

C. Judge D. To judge

36. By no means __________ our mistakes.

A. we ought ignore B. we ought to ignore

C. ought we ignore D. ought we to ignore

37. The teacher has his students __________ a composition every other


A. to write B. written

C. writing D. write

38. Give the books to __________ needs them for the English class and

the writing class.

A. whomever B. whom

C. who D. whoever

39. A solid is different from a liquid __________the solid has its definite


A. in that B. in which

C. in what D. because of which

40. It is because he is kind and modest__________he wins the respect of


A. what B. which

C. why D. that

41. Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, __________, ?

A. didn't she B. didn't you

C. did she D. did you

42. __________, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours.

A. Strong as he is B. The stronger he is

C. Strong man that he is D. For he is strong

43. They have agreed that they will __________to the policy and will not

change it.

A. commit B. stick

C. combine D. fall

44. The company has to __________the benefits against the costs in the

last three months.

A. boast B. blame

C. block D. balance

45. We've __________paper and ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some.

A. run away with B. run out of

C. run off D. run down




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