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來源:中國證券業(yè)協(xié)會 2016-07-15 09:51:00
導讀:Amended by special resolution passed on 27th June 2002 and 2nd February 2005.


  Article 17 Announcement

  (1) ACIIA® shall announce the dates and locations of the examinations and the deadlines for enrolment after consultation with the IEC at least six months before the examination date.

  (2) ACIIA® shall duly inform the national/regional associations about the details of the examinations held in each calendar year and shall ask them to inform it in due time of the number and names of the candidates enrolled.

  (3) ACIIA® shall distribute the Examinations Guide and other materials related to the examinations to national/regional associations at their request.

  Article 18 Conditions for Admission

  (1) The examinations are open to anyone working in the domain of financial analysis, portfolio management, and investment in general, provided that the admission conditions detailed in Section (2) or (3) (below) are fulfilled.

  (2) The national/regional associations may decide candidacy requirements according to local conditions, which may include the candidate having a local membership status in good standing, a university degree or equivalent in professional work experience, and possessing civil rights, etc.

  (3) A candidate from a country/region without a national/regional association affiliated to ACIIA® may enrol for such examinations provided he/she is proposed for such examinations as may be relevant (i.e. the national (specific) examinations, the Foundation Examination and/or the Final Examination) by a national/regional association in any country/region which is a member of ACIIA®.

  Article 19 Enrolment Procedures

  (1) Candidates wishing to enrol for the examinations shall submit enrolment forms, prepared by ACIIA®, to the relevant national/regional association.

  (2) Candidates may enrol for either the full course of examinations (national specific and international common Foundation and Final examinations) or just the Final Examination but only in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 above.

  (3) Candidates may enrol for each paper of the international (common) examinations and the national (specific) examination respectively as indicated in Article 7 above.

  However, for the international (common) examination, candidates may only proceed to the Final Examination if they have passed all papers of the Foundation Examination.

  (4) Certain credentials (e.g. a reference or a certificate attesting to previous professional experience) may be requested at the time of enrolment either by the national/regional association or the IEC, details of which shall appear in examination announcements.

  (5) If a national/regional association decides not to accept an application for enrolment for whatever reason, the decision shall be forwarded to the applicant in writing and also the IEC.

  Article 20 Examination Fees

  (1) Examination fees shall be paid by candidates to the national society (through which they submitted the application for enrolment) a certain period before sitting the examination as decided by the national society.

  (2) Each national/regional association may determine its policy on examination fees and payment/reimbursement according to local conditions provided its annual membership fee commitment to ACIIA® is fulfilled.









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