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來源:中國證券業(yè)協(xié)會 2016-07-15 09:51:00
導讀:Amended by special resolution passed on 27th June 2002 and 2nd February 2005.


  Article 24 International Designation

  (1) The CIIA® will be awarded to candidates who satisfy the following conditions:

  a) Successful completion of all parts of the advanced professional examinations (international and national) in accordance with these Rules;

  b) Registration as a member of a national/regional association to ensure compliance with its code of ethics and professional conduct worthy of being a holder of the CIIA®.

  c) Three years experience working in the domain of financial analysis, portfolio management, and/or investment in general.

  (2) The certificate of the CIIA® (“Diploma”) shall be co-signed by the Chairman of ACIIA® and by the Chairman of the IEC, and the chairman of the relevant national/regional association.

  (3) The names of the recipients of the CIIA® will be published by ACIIA® in a publicly available register.

  (4) The national/regional associations will inform their members of the names of those receiving the CIIA®.

  (5) The holders of the CIIA® shall have the right to use it in an appropriate manner to enhance the status and integrity of the CIIA® as a professional qualification.

  (6) ACIIA® shall engage in legal action to protect the names and marks with respect to the CIIA®.

  Article 25 Withdrawal

  (1) ACIIA® shall withdraw a certificate of the CIIA® obtained illicitly.

  (2) ACIIA® shall withdraw or suspend a certificate given to anyone who does not comply with the code of ethics and professional conduct of a national/regional association he/she belongs to based on a report from such association.

  (3) ACIIA® shall publish withdrawals or suspensions of certificates.


  Article 26 Complaints and Appeals

  (1) Admission to the examination as a whole or to any level is a matter for the national/regional associations. Complaints concerning the question of admission must be addressed to the relevant national/regional association.

  (2) National procedures and laws/regulations shall apply with respect to complaints and appeals concerning examination results.

  Article 27 Effective Dates

  These Rules will come into operation on 2nd February 2005.









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